Diana’s journey to BHRT and Functional Medicine began like many of her clients. After the birth of her second daughter, Diana experienced greater-than-normal changes in her hormones, resulting in mood swings, chronic fatigue, and most significantly a severe, debilitating skin condition that made every-day activities difficult. While Diana sought counsel from several specialists in her industry over many months, none were able to offer an effective, safe treatment.
It wasn’t until Diana discovered research within Functional Medicine that she fully understood how interconnected her body’s hormones really were. Today, through a program including supplements, a specialized diet, and vitamins, Diana has achieved balance in her hormones, higher energy levels, and her skin has greatly improved. Diana knows firsthand how challenging it is to overcome the symptoms of hormone imbalance, but because of her experience, she’s able to empathize with her clients as she guides them on their own path to better health.